finite difference vs. finite element models

IEEE Xplore - Time domain hybrid finite elements / finite differences.
3DFEMFAT - 3d finite-element model of flow and transport through.
Hybrid Modeling of Elastic P-SV Wave Motion: A Combined Finite.
A general mesh finite difference method using combined nodal and.
The paper describes a general mesh finite difference method for the. of either a finite difference method (FDM) or a finite element method (FEM) can be. Morley3 and Dems and Lipinski4 have modified FEM models by replacing slope.
In this area the accurate modelling of realistic engineering problems often leads to a. Time domain hybrid finite elements / finite differences method for solving.
Aug 5, 2008. Time-Domain Finite-Difference and Finite-Element Methods for Maxwell. to illustrate the modeling capabilities of FDTD and FETD for complex media. The term. and/or nonlinear properties present in the constitutive tensors.
The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical technique for finding approximate. integrated using standard techniques such as Euler's method or the Runge-Kutta method.. The method has since been generalized for the numerical modeling of. The finite difference method (FDM) is an alternative way of approximating.
finite difference vs. finite element models
IEEE Xplore - A hybrid finite-element / finite-difference method with.The paper describes a general mesh finite difference method for the. of either a finite difference method (FDM) or a finite element method (FEM) can be. Morley3 and Dems and Lipinski4 have modified FEM models by replacing slope.
In this area the accurate modelling of realistic engineering problems often leads to a. Time domain hybrid finite elements / finite differences method for solving.
Simplified Finite-Element Models for Reservoir Flow Problems.

The models are based on Galerkin's method, but the method is applied in an. and high stability of conventional finite-difference models with the generality and . An increasing interest in finite-element methods, or variational methods in.
The interface is covered by both the finite-difference and finite-element grids. The overlap region has to be 3 or 4 FDM grid spacings wide to maintain accuracy.
A hybrid finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed for solving. the tetrahedral edge-based finite-element scheme to model the region near the.
Finite difference methods , Finite element methods , Mathematical model , Numerical stability , Power system stability , Stability analysis , Time domain analysis.
Fluid Structure Interaction | Coupled Finite Element Finite Difference.
Finite Element Method and Analysis | Engenya GmbH.
Finite differences versus finite elements for solving nonlinear integro.