android market bigger than app store

Trying to download applications using Google Play but it keeps.
Camera360 Ultimate - Android Apps on Google Play.
Nov 29, 2012. Although iOS monthly revenues are four times larger than its. App Annie Index: Market Report Q1 2013 – iOS App Store revenue 2.6x that of Google Play. the Google play, Android apps may reach to the peak than iPhone.
May 14, 2013. More and bigger Scenes to decorate photo bring you more. Great must have and essential app much better than the default. DOWNFALL: it only reads from your cameras folder no other folder that store pics can be used.
Apple blowing away Android with up to 90 f app revenue - GigaOM.

Jul 13, 2012. Apple claims 500,000 apps in its App Store for the iPhone and over 700,000. to be "bigger" than their competitors by having more Web pages. .. By Google Play, I don't mean the new name for Google's old Android Market.
Android App Revenue Growing Faster Than iOS' - Mashable.
Apple App Store to be bigger than Wal-mart? | ZDNet.
android market bigger than app store
android market bigger than app store
Android App Store Is 57ree Compared to Apple's 25 Gizmodo.
Dec 20, 2012. China's share of the Google Android market expected to grow and is already. The majority of app purchases are off other app stores (not Google play).. Android OEMs so it probably makes much more in China than Google.
Install Market(Old Play Store) on Tablets that don't have Goolge.
The World's Largest Android Market, And Getting Bigger - Forbes.